• LTCG tax

During the FY: 2017-18 , I have LTCG of Rs.107294/- by selling shares listed in NSE. As far as I know, these gains since occurred before 31-3-2018 and STT paid are tax free. When I enter the details of this in the ITR-2 Java Utility, 10% tax on LTCG is getting deducted. Why this is happening?. I used the B 3.1 of Schedule CG -- From sale of (I) listed securities (other than a unit) or zero coupon bonds where proviso to section 112(1) is applicable. Is exemptions under section 10(38) on Long-Term Capital Gains
not allowed in this case.?
Asked 6 years ago in Income Tax


The LTCG are exempt.

Report it under Exempt income from LTCG and not under the Capital Gains.

Lakshita Bhandari
CA, Mumbai
5687 Answers
941 Consultations

You need to enter details in tax exemption column u/s 10(38)

Urvi Gandhi
CA, Thane
6 Answers

Enter the details in Sheet - EI (Exempt income). There's a specific line for this LTCG. Only Net profit needs to be entered. No CG sheet details are required for this one.

Amit Kumar Narula
CA, Bangalore
59 Answers
1 Consultation


Long Term Capital Gains are exempt.

You can report it under Exempt income from LTCG.



Nikhil Khanna
CA, Mumbai
1429 Answers
19 Consultations


Don't put the details of long term gain on equity shares in schedule CG.

You are supposed to put it in schedule EI under exempt income.

Abhishek Dugar
CA, Mumbai
3576 Answers
183 Consultations

Show this LTCG in exempted income sheet which is in last of the utility

Nitin Jain
CA, Jaipur
214 Answers

Dear Sir,

Enter details under schedule exempt income only. No need to show it under schedule CG as it is exempt.


Vivek Kumar Arora
CA, Delhi
4992 Answers
1122 Consultations


Hope you are doing well !

Long term capital gains are exempt .

You can show it in schedule Excempt income in tax return.

Thanks & Regards,

Payal Chhajed

Payal Chhajed
CA, Mumbai
5189 Answers
302 Consultations

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