According to income tax act if someone is paying amount more than 10000 in cash for purachse done it won't be consider as expenditure in profit and loss account. But according to sec 44ad there is no need to maintain account and profit is considered as 8 percent of gross sale .. so person opting for 44ad can pay in cash for the purchase of amount more than 10000 as there is not any requirement for maintaing accounts..?
And also according to sec 269st one cannot receive more than 2 lakh in cash but what if cash received is from brother by exectuing proper gift deed ... amount of cash is 10 lakh.. can i receive it without penalty as he is not ready to give in cash
Asked 6 years ago in Income Tax
I asked u few days ago about the cash gift i can receive 10 lakh from my brother and asked if its legal without penalty and know u all r saying that cash beyond 2 lakh attracts penalty than why all of u didn't tell my that tym...?
Asked 6 years ago