• Can I claim the full amount as HRA tax exemption if none of other tenants are claiming anything?

We are 3 friends staying in a shared apartment paying unequal shares in rent 40%, 40%, 20%. The rent agreement has all the 3 tenant names without the agreed rent split. I transfer the full amount to the owner online and then we split the bill internally. Can I claim the full amount as HRA tax exemption if none of other tenants are claiming anything? Is there legal issues with this? If not, what is the max amount I can claim - 33% or 40%?
Asked 5 years ago in Income Tax

No legal issues. If you pay the bank amount to landlord you can claim full. Settle your internal splits via other modes.

Tejas Shah
CA, Surat
47 Answers
3 Consultations



Yes, you can consider the full rent paid by you for HRA.

I hope that this answer satisfies your requirements.



CA Hunny Badlani

Badlani & Associates 

Hunny Badlani
CA, Madhya Pradesh
2608 Answers
16 Consultations



You can claim HRA only for your portion of rent. If you are ultimately bearing 40%, you can claim 40%. In case query comes, you need to show the trail how you are bearing 40%.


You can easily show that if the money is going and coming through banking channel.

Lakshita Bhandari
CA, Mumbai
5687 Answers
941 Consultations

You must take the rent receipts in your name and then you can claim entire HRA.

Currently you must take 33.33% if no receipts available.


Hope you find the information helpful if you do please rate it 5 and provide your valuable feedback for my improvement.

Thank you.

Naman Maloo
CA, Jaipur
4301 Answers
101 Consultations



You can claim entire HRA provided you have sufficient proofs for the same like bank statement & rent receipts .


It is advisable to take the rent receipts in your name.

Payal Chhajed
CA, Mumbai
5188 Answers
301 Consultations



You can claim full amount of HRA tax exemption if you rent receipts for that amount and you have paid it from your Bank account.


Hope this serves the purpose. In case you any additional queries, feel free to contact.


Bhagyashree Kankaria
CA, Pune
41 Answers
11 Consultations

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