• GSTR-3B not allowing me to claim previous months ITC

 I am entering ITC amount in March-2021 GSTR-3B form	 in "(5) All other ITC [4. Eligible ITC] "	 field.
 This ITC amount is for January 2021 + February 2021. 
 I am claiming in this month . I did not claim it in earlier month.
 I have no ITC to claim for March-2021. In March-2021 drafted GSTR-2B has no value as expected.
 It is showing following errors. 
 System Computed value = 0 

 Tables 4(A)(1), (3), (4), (5) and 4(B)(2) are auto-drafted based on the values in GSTR-2B.

The information entered by you is at variance with the auto-populated data in table 4A. The input tax credit has been auto-populated on the basis of the GSTR-2B generated for you. Also, please note that any variance above 5% of the input tax credit is in contravention to Rule 36(4) of the CGST Rules, 2017. Kindly recheck and proceed.

Can you please check.
System is only checking value in March-2021 GSTR-2B. 

Thank you
Asked 4 years ago in GST

- ITC is auto populated from GSTR-2B. In Jan and Feb.2021 also it was auto populated from GSTR-2B to GSTR-3B. Please check your returns, might be you have claimed it in 3B. Before proceeding for claiming it check yearly details and variance. If not claimed in previous months, claim it in March 2021.

Vivek Kumar Arora
CA, Delhi
4992 Answers
1122 Consultations


Since previous month's ITC is being claimed now, it will show up an alert. That is fine. You may file the return. ITC being claimed should be appearing in GSTR 2A for previous months.

Lakshita Bhandari
CA, Mumbai
5687 Answers
941 Consultations



You can claim that in  March return there is no problem in it.

Karishma Chhajer
CA, Jodhpur
2452 Answers
29 Consultations

You can overrise such error. ( But ensure you do not make any claim more than credit available in GSTR 2A for the year)  

Chirag Maru
CA, Raipur
211 Answers

Yes according to the new system of pre filled gst return it'll only show ITC available in current month GSTR 2B and hence you need to manually claim it and you'll even get a warning that you're taking excess credit and you might even get a notice but you'll have to take that risk and take manual credit.


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Naman Maloo
CA, Jaipur
4301 Answers
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