Mandatory Audit & minimum Profit percent for Software company?
I am a Proprietor of a Software company. The nature of business is 100% export of software services to clients out of India.
My business had a turnover of Rs. 3.6Cr in FY 2021-22. My account assistant insisted on declaring the profit of 20% citing some notifications of declaring minimum profit of 20% for export of services, in spite of having the audit done by CA, which caused to pay an income tax to the tune of about Rs. 16Lac.
Considering the same, in the current financial year, back in May 2022, I formed a Pvt Ltd. company and added my spouse as one of the Directors to distribute the income. Now, my questions are as follows:
(1) In my Proprietor company, the turnover for FY 2022-23 is about Rs. 1.4Cr. As I assume, my accounting assistant will insist again on 20% profit declaration, I would like to ask, is it mandatory for a Software service export Company to declare a working profit of 20%?
(2) Is it mandatory for the Audit to be done by CA for a turnover of Rs. 1.4Cr?
(3) For my Private Limited company, which is in the same business, the turnover is about Rs. 2 Cr in FY-2022-23. Again, do I need to declare a profit of 20% as a must, in spite of the Audit done by CA?
Please help me with the above questions and let me know if I could save/ manage on taxes a little better way?
Please note, I do not wish to avoid or hide any taxes but all I want to know is the legitimate ways to save taxes and declaration of income. This question arises because not every time a company makes 20% profit. A growing organization sometimes has to spend more money that earning and have to even inject capital from outside, taking the company to negative for some period. Mine is a growing organization and we are investing in growth and people, hence, not earning a profit of 20%. Still, an insistence of declaring 20% profit is hurting our running capital unnecessarily.
Asked 2 years ago in Income Tax