• LTCG on sale of agri land in Nagar Panchayat jurisdiction

If the agriculture land sold in maharashtra is under Nagar Panchayat of around 40000 population, does it come under rural and not a capital asset gains? So no LTCG Tax? To prove, which authority can attest if its rural or urban? Nagar Panchayat is rural transitioning to urban but not fully urban category. Right?
Asked 9 months ago in Capital Gains Tax

- Rural agriculture land is not a capital asset therefore no capital gain on sale of such asset

- You have to prove both the factors i.e. rural land and agricultural use. Distance is to be calculated from municipality corporation/cantonment board. What is the aerial distance between land and the municipality corporation/cantonment board under which land is located?


For detailed discussion you may opt for phone consultation

Vivek Kumar Arora
CA, Delhi
4950 Answers
1105 Consultations

How far is your land from nearest municipality?

Considering the land as rural or urban would depend on same.


Hope you find the information helpful, if yes do rate if 5 and provide your valuable feedback for my improvement.

Thank you.

Naman Maloo
CA, Jaipur
4292 Answers
101 Consultations



To determine whether the sale of agricultural land within a Nagar Panchayat in Maharashtra is exempt from Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax, consider the following steps:

  1. Population Criteria: Verify if the land is located in an area classified as rural based on the population size. For areas with a population under 10,000, the land is generally considered rural.

  2. Distance Verification: Check the distance of the land from the nearest municipality or cantonment board. The specific distance criteria can vary and are crucial for determining the rural or urban status of the land.

  3. Obtain Documentation: Secure a certificate from the local Nagar Panchayat or District Collector that attests to the population size and the classification of the land as rural.

If your land is within a jurisdiction classified as rural based on these criteria and is used for agricultural purposes, it should be exempt from LTCG tax.


For detailed, personalized advice, consider a phone consultancy.

Hope you find the information helpful. You are free to contact me for further discussion.If you could spare two minutes of your time to write a review, It would be really grateful and very happy to read it.

Thank you.

Shubham Goyal



Shubham Goyal
CA, Delhi
347 Answers
7 Consultations

Nagar Panchayat Status: Nagar Panchayats may be considered urban or rural for LTCG purposes based on criteria like population and development. The exact classification under the Income Tax Act depends on additional factors.

Rural Classification Criteria: Either population size or distance from an urban center can classify land as rural for LTCG purposes, not necessarily both.

Authority for Documentation: The classification is typically determined by the Revenue Department or District Collector. Formal documentation, such as a certificate, can be obtained from them, even though it may not be part of standard property documents like the 7/12 extract.

Given your situation and the complexities involved, consulting with a professional is recommended. You can also consider taking my advice for a detailed analysis and assistance in navigating these requirements.

Shubham Goyal
CA, Delhi
347 Answers
7 Consultations

I think nagar panchayat and municipality is different and hence you need to check aerial distance from nearest municipality and since the population is around 20000 it's distance from municipal limits should not be more than 2 kilometers.

Aerial distance is dependent on population so yes both are related.



Naman Maloo
CA, Jaipur
4292 Answers
101 Consultations

In your case, aerial distance from Nagar panchayat and population of Nagar Panchayat should be considered. As the population of Nagar Panchayat is more than 10,000 and less than 1,00,000 and aerial distance is beyond 2 km from Nagar Panchayat, land should be considered as rural land. Further, the classification should be clearly mentioned in the sale deed. In respect to agriculture use, you can submit proofs of receipts of sale of crops to arthiyas or Form J or any other form prevalent in your area.

Vivek Kumar Arora
CA, Delhi
4950 Answers
1105 Consultations

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