Car depreciation benefits for LLP vs Pvt Ltd company
Hello Sir,
I am a director of a Pvt Ltd company, and a partner (non designated) of LLP. I wish to purchase a new car (not in the name of the company but on my own name) but will use the car for business purposes.
1) If I do so, will both the pvt ltd company and LLP be able to take depreciation charge for the benefit of corporate taxation purposes?
2) If yes, when i purchase the car, should the car title or payment receipt carry my designation as director/partner of my company along with my name?
Really appreciate your kind expertise in this matter.
Asked 9 months ago in Corporate Tax
Many thanks for the prompt response. Please advise if the car payment receipt or the car title must show my designation as director or partner with either of the companies along with my name at the time of the purchase. Also, I am assuming fuel expenses for furtherance of the business will be tax deductible for the pvt ltd company or LLP. Please confirm.
Thanks and Regards,
Asked 9 months ago
Thank you all. So, I understand that both the LLP and Pvt Ltd company will be able to take the benefit of the depreciation charge. However, what will be the debit credit enteries for this transaction? Since, I am purchasing this on my individual name and making payment from my individual bank account, technically the asset will not show up on the books of the company/LLP right and until that happens no depreciaton charge can be taken? So, what accounting entries are needed to accomplish this transaction? please advise.
Best Regards,
Asked 8 months ago