• Capital gains tax on sale of under-construction property and reinvestment of capital gains


I had purchased an under-construction flat in Bangalore in 2021.

Allotment Letter Date - 14th Jan 2021
Agreement for Sale - 12th Feb 2021
Purchase Value - 65 lacs 

I sold this flat when it was still under-construction buy doing a tripartite assignment agreement with the builder and the new buyer. I did not take possession or do registry of this flat. 

Assignment Agreement. - 21st December 2023
Sale value - 85 lacs 

I reinvested the proceeds in buying another under-construction flat. 

Can you let me know if this would be coming under STCG or LTCG and will I be able to get the benefit of tax exemption because of reinvestment. 

Asked 3 months ago in Capital Gains Tax


  • Type of Gain: Short-Term Capital Gain (STCG)

    • Reason: Less than 36 months required for long-term.

  • Tax Exemption: Not eligible.

    • Reason: STCG does not qualify for exemptions under Section 54F or similar sections.

Best regards,

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Hope you find the information helpful. You are free to contact me for further discussion.If you could spare two minutes of your time to write a review, It would be really grateful and very happy to read it.

Thank you.

Shubham Goyal


Shubham Goyal
CA, Delhi
329 Answers
6 Consultations

Thank you for pointing out the oversight. You are correct that the holding period for immovable property to qualify as long-term capital gains was changed to 24 months in the 2017-18 Budget. I apologize for the confusion caused by my previous responses.

Corrected Analysis

  1. Classification of Capital Gains:

    • Period of Holding: From 14th Jan 2021 to 21st Dec 2023, which is nearly 35 months.

    • Type of Gain: Long-Term Capital Gain (LTCG) (since the holding period exceeds 24 months).

  2. Tax Exemption on Reinvestment:

    • Eligibility: You may be eligible for exemption under Section 54F if you reinvest the capital gains in another residential property.

    • Section 54F: Allows for exemption if the proceeds from the sale of a long-term capital asset (other than a residential house) are reinvested in a residential house.


Shubham Goyal
CA, Delhi
329 Answers
6 Consultations


2. No benefit of exemption u/s 54F


For detailed discussion you may opt for phone consultation

Vivek Kumar Arora
CA, Delhi
4936 Answers
1100 Consultations

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