Dear Sir,
This is a case which is very much IN these days. Everyone is talking about harassment by the Sales Tax Authorities in hawala cases where the party has acted genuinely and in good faith but still has got into trouble.
In your case the onus of proving that the transaction was genuine and not a hawala is upto C.
Now how can C prove that the transaction is genuine.
C can try start with the following evidences.
1. Sales Invoice.
2. Challan/ Lorry Receipt.
3. GRN
4. Bank Payment/ Entry in Statement.
5. Subsequent Sale to a party of the goods purchased by Hawala Dealer.
6. Receipt of Money from Subsequent Sale.
This is a basic procedure by which you can start with. There are a number of ways in which you can take a suitable stance against the Department or file an appeal in tribunal.
It is Highly advised to take the help of a Qualified Professional in such cases.
Thanking You.
CA Rohit R Sharma